Missionary EunHae Ha visited and blessed us with the update on their Bible translating ministry last Sunday. Here is the summary:
The progress...
2001 - began translating the gospel books
2006 - began translating the letters in the Bible
2007 - completed the first draft of the New Testament
2009 - completed the first draft of translating 6 books of the Old Testament (Genesis, Exodus, Psalm, Isaiah, Ruth, Jonah)
2012 August - completed editing process of the New Testament
2013 July - New Testament ready for publication
Prayer request...
1. Thank God for the completion of translating the New Testament
2. The process of printing and delivering the New Testament
3. Send the gospel workers into the community
4. Building of the church in the community
5. Complete the translation of the 6 books of the Old Testament
6. Noah's (missionary's son) faith
7. Missionary YeNo Ju's health